Category Archives: Gunbuster

The Other Shelf: Gunbuster


I’ve only recently begun to dip into pre-90’s anime, and this was an easy series to pick after already seeing Diebuster.  For those worried that going backwards might be a waste of time, it’s really worth the time.  The original 6 episode OVA is really seperate plot-wise from what you see in Diebuster, and only makes you want to go back and watch Diebuster again to catch all the little Gunbuster references.

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You Can Thank Noriko


Yeah, so I got back to school this week, and initially just felt like taking a few days off from blogging.  Unfortunately I’m one of those people who easily get settled in a state, and so I really didn’t have any motivation to start up again.  Then yesterday I finally got to watch the first Gunbuster OVAs, and it got me raring to go again.  I’ll do a seperate review on Gunbuster and Diebuster, but for now, let’s get caught up on some things, rough draft style:

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