Category Archives: Michiko and Hatchin

Series Roundup: Winter 2009 Anime


I’d rather do individual posts for a lot of these series, but I just realized this week that I have a crapload of schoolwork to get done in the month and a half that I have left, and the spring shows have already begun to air.  Many shows were continuations from the fall season, but I have to say that this was probably the best winter season of anime that I’ve watched in a while.

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You Can Thank Noriko


Yeah, so I got back to school this week, and initially just felt like taking a few days off from blogging.  Unfortunately I’m one of those people who easily get settled in a state, and so I really didn’t have any motivation to start up again.  Then yesterday I finally got to watch the first Gunbuster OVAs, and it got me raring to go again.  I’ll do a seperate review on Gunbuster and Diebuster, but for now, let’s get caught up on some things, rough draft style:

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Anime Music of 2008: My Shortlist


I’m going to start off by saying this list isn’t of the “best” or “coolest” of 2008.  I know there’s plenty of people who digged songs like “Triangular” (and I love Maaya S. in general), but these were openings, endings, and soundtracks that really stood out personally. (LONG POST IS LONG)

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Michiko and Hatchin – Episode 2

michi1I feel like every recurring character in this show but Michiko and Hatchin is a major creep.  This time around we meet Atsuko Jackson, the officer who captured Michiko twelve years ago.  Apparently, she and Michiko have known each other since childhood and Atsuko has a “thing” for Michi.  In the present time, she becomes aware of Michiko’s escape from prison and sets out to trap her.


Most of this episode was showing Michiko and Hana’s current bonding time and connections of the past.  Michiko starts calling Hana “Hatchin” for the first time and reminices of the way Hana’s father used to play with her boobs.  The mix of action, drama, comedy and good music in this show is giving it a strong lead in my favorite anime for the season.  It kind of reminds me of Cowboy Bebop music, minus so much of the jazziness.


This gave me “Loveless” levels of creeped out-ness.  I orignally praised this show for giving darker skinned cosplayers more material, but I don’t know how many have the boobs for Michiko or would want to dress as loli-lesbo Atsuko.


Though that tattoo is pretty boss.  That’s one you could get without looking like a huge douche (as long as it’s not too big), unlike if you got one of Rei Ayanami on your chest.